Monday, December 1, 2008

World AIDS Day 2008

World Without HIV

On the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day, IAVI calls for people around the world to show their support for the development of an AIDS vaccine by contributing their voices to a new video commitment gallery. The world remains desperately in need of an AIDS vaccine, the best hope of ending the AIDS pandemic.

IAVI Opens Only Lab Solely Devoted to AIDS Vaccine Design and Development

Located in a new bioscience center in New York City, IAVI's AIDS Vaccine Design and Development Laboratory is the only facility in the world to be dedicated exclusively to the development of an AIDS vaccine. Scientists at the 36,000 square foot, state-of-the-art lab will work together with partners in academia, the private sector and government worldwide to design, compare, prioritize and advance promising AIDS vaccine strategies, with the ultimate goal of ending the global AIDS epidemic through an effective vaccine, accessible to all. 

HIV/AIDS: The Search for a Vaccine

Originally aired as part of BBC World’s Kill or Cure?series, this four-minute documentary features AIDS specialists, researchers, and community workers discussing the impact of HIV/AIDS on their communities and their efforts to find a solution to the epidemic.

Why the world needs an AIDS vaccine

Despite the international community's best efforts, the HIV pandemic continues unabated. In 2006, more than 39 million people were living with HIV worldwide. Over four million people became newly infected with HIV and an estimated 2.8 million lost their lives to AIDS.